Specific colors for tickets and events

Quickly see in the overview which guests have booked which arrangement by assigning colors to different tickets

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Written by Operations
Updated over a week ago

If you want to quickly see all reservations for a specific menu or arrangement, you can label tickets with colors. This way, all reservations placed with this ticket will show up in the desired color.

For example, color all 5-course menus in red, high teas in yellow, early dinners in blue, etc. Easier for your hosts and your kitchen staff.

📌 By default, all your tickets and reservations are mint green. Next to coloring specific tickets, you can also assign colors to individual reservations in the reservation details. Perfect to make sure the VIPs get the treatment they deserve.

Give a specific ticket a distinctive color

  • In Formitable, go to Tickets.

  • Select the ticket you want to give a specific color.

  • Click on the colored square in the top bar and select the preferred color.

  • Once you click on Save all reservations that are being made from now on with this ticket will be colored accordingly.

📌 Please note that the color of all existing reservations will not be updated automatically.

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