If you manually add a reservation to Formitable and you want the guest to pay a deposit to confirm their booking, you can do this by creating a reservation or booking option and sending them a payment link.
Options are reservations that still need to be officially confirmed by guests. Many restaurants use options for group reservations that come in by phone. Why? Because you want at least some kind of guarantee that guests will show up, especially with a big group, and options allow you to send payment links for deposits by email.
Options can be created the same way as reservations, but you need to tick the option box.
Below we explain step-by-step how to add an option:
In Formitable, create a new reservation in the overview with the blue plus (+ Reservation) button.
Select a paid ticket for the reservation.
Select the date and time.
Tick the Option checkbox.
Select when the option will expire by choosing a day and time.
Do not forget to fill in the email address of the guest. Otherwise, they will not receive an email with a payment link.
When you create an option for a paid ticket the guest will receive an email asking them to confirm and pay their reservation. Once the guest paid their deposit the option automatically becomes a reservation. If they don’t pay the deposit within the timeframe that you set, the option simply expires and the table will be bookable online again for other guests.