According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR art. 17), every person has the 'right to be forgotten' and to no longer receive marketing emails from you.
Guests can unsubscribe themselves from the campaigns with the 'unsubscribe' link at the very end of the mail.
If a guest requests to be removed from the list of subscribers, you can do this in Formitable.
⚠️ This can not be undone! Once you click on the trash bin icon the mail address will be deleted.
How to manually remove a mail address from the subscribers
In Formitable, go to Campaigns and create a new temporary mail campaign with the plus button.
Click on Edit Audience, select all languages, and save your selection to select all people that are signed up.
Click on Show audience to show all subscribers.
Use the search function of your browser to quickly jump to the right mail address. Depending on the number of subscribers loading might take a little while.
Click on the trash bin icon next to the mail address.
Close the window with X. Close the campaign. You can remove the campaign.
The removed person will no longer receive email campaigns.
💡 Shortcuts to the search function of your browser
On Windows devices press CTRL + F to open the search function.
On Apple devices press Command + F.
Alternatively use the ⋮ menu at the top-right of your browser.
What's next:
You can also remove all personal guest data of this person if this is requested.