Of course, you want to keep a clear overview of all outstanding gift vouchers. Within your gift voucher overview, you can easily see the status of your vouchers; is a voucher redeemed, still open, or already expired? And sometimes you might want to extend the expiration date of one or more vouchers.
View the status of your gift vouchers
A gift voucher can either be open, redeemed, or expired. Within the overview of your gift vouchers, you can see the status of your vouchers in the blink of an eye.
Go to Insights > Gift vouchers
View under 'Status' which vouchers are still open, already redeemed or expired
Filter on one specific status
Do you only want to view, for example, all expired gift vouchers? You can then easily filter on one specific status.
Go to Insights > Gift vouchers
Click on the drop-down menu at the top left
Select a status
View the status of one specific gift voucher
Do you want to quickly view the status of one specific voucher? You can look up a voucher via the search bar in your gift voucher overview.
Go to Insights > Gift vouchers
In the search bar at the top, fill in the full code or Order UID
Click Enter
Export your gift vouchers
You can also export all vouchers as an Excel file and view the status of your vouchers in the export.
Go to Insights > Gift vouchers
Click on the three dots at the top right
Click on 'Export all vouchers'
Extend the expiration date of a gift voucher
Sometimes guests weren't able to redeem a gift voucher within the given timeframe. You can then choose to extend the expiration date. Of course, it's always up to you if you decide to do so or not.
Go to Insights > Gift vouchers
Look up the voucher you want to extend via one of the methods as described above
Open the voucher by clicking on it
Scroll down to 'Expiration date' and set a new date
Connect gift voucher data to your administration
You receive the proceeds from gift vouchers directly in your Mollie or Stripe account. To keep your administration up to date and organized you can match transactions of Formitable and Mollie or Formitable and Stripe.
Export your gift vouchers as an Excel file
Column G displays the status of a voucher. You want to match these to transactions in Mollie or Stripe in order to correctly process them in your administration.
To match the transactions of Formitable and Mollie or Formitable and Stripe, you can use the Mollie or Stripe Payment ID. This can be found in both the export file of Formitable (Column I) and the export of Mollie or Stripe.
What's next?
Connect a payment provider to Formitable to start processing online transactions
Promote your gift vouchers via Email Campaigns