Of course, you want to avoid no-shows at any cost. Ask for a credit card guarantee so you'll be able to charge the card used for payment in case guests don't show up.
If you want to ask for a credit card guarantee you first have to set up Stripe.
📌 Read this article to learn how to use Stripe for online payments.
Decide per Ticket if you want to ask for a credit card guarantee
Go to Products Tickets
Select the Ticket for which you want to ask for a credit card guarantee
Scroll down to "Price" and select "No-show fee"
Fill in a fee that you will charge per guest in case of no-show
Optional: switch "Show full price" on if you want to show guests an indicative price for the full menu or full package
Charge the credit card used for payments
In case of no-shows, you can now charge the card used for payment. It is possible to charge the entire group or just a part.
Charge the entire group
In your Overview, click on the reservation that did not show up
Flag the reservation as a no-show in the detailed pop-up at the right
Click "Flag as no-show" if you want to charge the entire group
Charge part of a group
In your Overview, click on the reservation that did not show up
Click on the Order icon (left from the gift box icon)
Click on "Charge card"
Specify how many guests did not show up
Click on "Charge"
What's next?
Avoid costly no-shows with down payments and prepaid bookings.
Offer your restaurant experience at home with a takeaway menu.