When you start working with Promotion Code, of course, you also want to track whether a code is used and how many times a (specific) code is used. In Formitable you can view whether guests added a Promotion Code to their reservation, their Takeaway order, or their Gift voucher order. In addition, you can also view how many times a specific code is used in your Promotion Code overview.
View whether guests used a Promotion Code
For reservations
In your Overview you can see in the blink of an eye which reservations added a Promotion Code. You'll see the Promotion Code icon in the reservation.
Do you want to check if a Promotion Code is used for a specific reservation and also which code they used?
In the Overview look up the reservation that you want to check
Open the reservation (the reservation pop-up will open)
Click on the 🎁 icon
For takeaway orders
You can view in each takeaway order whether a Promotion Code is used.
Go to Insights > Orders
Select Takeaway in the menu at the top left
Click on the order that you want to check
If a Promotion Code is used, you can view which code is used under 'Promotion Code'
For gift vouchers
You can view in each gift voucher order whether a Promotion Code is used.
Go to Insights > Orders
Select Gift Vouchers in the menu at the top left
Click on the order that you want to check
If a Promotion Code is used, you can view which code is used under 'Promotion Code'
View how many times a code is used
Especially when you set a limit to the number of times a code can be used you might want to check how many times a code has been used already. But also in order to keep your online marketing on top of your game, it's a good idea to keep track of the number of times a code is used and which ones work really well with your guests 🔢.
You can view the number of times a code has been used in your Promotion Code overview under Marketing > Promotion Codes. Either look up a specific code in the search bar or view for example all Active codes, by selecting one of the statuses in the left bar. You can now view the number of times a code has been used.
🛑 A guest tries to use a promotion code but informed me the code doesn't work, what do I do?
You can check whether a promotion code is still valid in your Promotion Code overview. Go to Marketing > Promotion codes and look up the code in the search bar. Check if the maximum number of usages has been reached and whether the code is still active.