When you own multiple restaurants you can create a multi-venue widget to showcase all the different concepts that you offer and create a smooth online guest experience.
As a restaurant group, you can create multiple group widgets. Do you, for example, want to showcase all your restaurants in Amsterdam in one widget and the ones in Rotterdam in another? Not a problem. Or only showcase your burger joints in one widget while displaying the other concepts that you have in another widget. You decide how many group widgets you create.
How to create one group of restaurants that you can display in one widget
If you're an Admin user in more than 1 restaurant you will have an extra menu tab called 'Groups'.
Here you can create different groups within the group of restaurants of which you are an Admin user. By creating a group here, you will be able to subsequently create one widget displaying all those locations within that widget.
To create a group:
Click on the blue '+ Group' button at the top right
Set a group name. Especially if you are going to create multiple groups, set a name that helps you to easily recognize those different groups
Click on the group you just created
You can now start adding venues to your group by clicking on the blue '+ Venue' button at the top right
A pop-up will appear. You can now select which venues you would like to add to this group
Click 'Save' and repeat steps 4 to 6 until you've added all venues that you want to display within one Multi Venue widget.
Arrange the order in which restaurants within the Multi Venue Widget will be displayed
You can decide which restaurant you want to display at the top of the widget and so on.
To arrange the order in which restaurants are displayed:
Go to 'Groups'
Click on one of the groups you created
You can now drag and drop by using the drag and drop function at the left
💡 Note that the order you set up is subject to change depending on which product a guest selects in the widget. For example:
Let's say you display five restaurants within one widget. You set the order from top to bottom as (1) restaurant A, (2) restaurant B, (3) restaurant C, (4) restaurant D, and (5) restaurant E. Restaurant D and E also offer Takeaway whereas the others don't.
If a guest clicks on Takeaway within the widget, restaurants that offer Takeaway will be displayed at the top. After that, the order you set up will be used. In this case, the order that would be used would be (from top to bottom): D, E, A, B, C.
How to create a Multi Venue widget
💡 Tips before you start, to make sure you create a pretty Multi Venue widget:
Make sure to add a cover image for each of your restaurants under Settings > Restaurant. The cover image should not have a white background.
Make sure to add your logo for echt of your restaurants under Settings > Restaurant. For the prettiest outcome; use a logo that doesn't have a white background, has equal dimensions, and is centered.
Now you're ready to create the widget. You'll notice that your group has its own ID. This ID will be used to create your Multi Venue group widget.
To create a Multi Venue group widget:
Go to Groups
Click on the group for which you want to create a widget
Click on the blue button at the top 'multi-venue widget configuration page'
Once you're on the configuration page, you can adjust your widget settings to your preference. 📌 Read this article to learn how to make changes to your widget.
You can now get creative with how you want to promote your restaurant 🤩. Combine all your restaurants, or a sub-selection of your restaurants into a single widget, or create a unique widget for each one of your restaurants. Or do everything at the same time on different (pages of your) website(s).
What's next?
Create interactive buttons on your website to open the widget, specific products, or shops.